Join me on the journey of Soul-Inspired Living

Hi. I’m Emilah.
Psychic Channel & Medium | Shaman-Inspired Healer | Intuitive Coach
I work with people who are at a turning point.
You know something is changing.
You can feel the energy of transformation rising – and this next level is going to require a whole new way of living, a new you.
On the outside, your life looks great. But on the inside, you’re struggling, you can sense an unraveling.
Maybe life feels heavy and difficult.
Maybe things aren’t flowing as well as you expected at this point in your life or at this level of success.
Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed, afraid even, and experiencing upsets in your business, career, relationships, or even your relationship with yourself.
But you’re no stranger to this. You’ve been on the personal development and spiritual growth path for a while.
You know that living your life and managing your business/career using your Soul’s guidance is the answer to navigating this transition.

The overwhelm and challenges in your life and business are a call to deeper alignment.
A call to gestate and birth the next evolution of you.

When you fully align with your Soul’s energy and wisdom,
life becomes simpler to navigate.
You become magnetic.
Where you once felt confusion, you now have clarity. You can feel the full body “YES!” and are willing to wait for it.
Even when you are navigating challenging situations, you are more peaceful, confident, and in the flow because you are leading from an embodied, divinely guided space.
Finally, you trust your ability to navigate uncertainty and the unknown using your Soul’s guidance.
Yet you’ve noticed that the guidance you receive is no longer black and white, no longer a clear yes/no. The decisions are more subtle because you are not deferring to something outside of you. You are collaborating with your Soul, which is also you.
As you build this relationship, you must learn to discern “yes”, “no” “maybe”, “not yet”, and “wait”. As you increase your capacity to discern these subtleties, you access more of your Soul’s wisdom.
You don’t want another course, certification, or reading.
You want 1:1 support as you embody your soul’s wisdom and lead from within.
That’s where I come in.
At this stage of spiritual mastery, you need support and guidance from another human. Even if it’s just to talk it through to find your truth - your next indicated step.
For thousands of years, Curanderas, Shamans, Eastern Gurus, and the Ancient Ones have helped people on the path to intuitive self-leadership and embodied self-mastery. In modern times, we’re called Intuitive Coaches, Energy Healers, Spiritual Directors, or Psychic Channels.
I’m all of these and more. I think of myself as a post-lineage healer, channel, medium, and coach because everything I’ve learned is integrated into a form that is truly Simply Emilah.
I offer clarity, insight, and mentorship as you face this turning point, ground into your own unique slice of divinity, and navigate your life from that sacred space.
How we can work together
Get the answers and insights you seek in a timely manner.
Gather with a small group for intuitive coaching, psychic channeling, and energy healing.

Download a free
Golden Light Meditation
Golden Light is the frequency of Unconditional Love.
This golden frequency clears, soothes, and nourishes the nervous system, body, and mind. It allows us to integrate the experiences we are having and find the clarity and steadiness we need to navigate life.
Download it here and use it anytime you need the nourishing, healing energy of Golden Light.

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