For well over a decade I coached, taught, and empowered people to engage their intuition, put themselves at the center of their life, and trust themselves and the guidance they receive.
Now you can download these FREE RESOURCES to unlock the power and potential within you!
Learning to Fly: Engaging Intuition and Faith
Did you know dragonflies start their lives as nymphs living in the water for up to five years before wriggling their way up a piece of grass and birthing themselves into adulthood? In this essay, learn how to access and cultivate intuition and faith and how our human lives mirror the dragonfly's transformational experience.
Taking Your Stance: A Centering Practice
This guided centering practice will bring you back into your body where the answers you seek reside. Both an audio and PDF version of the practice are included.
Releasing Old Narratives
This 3-video series recorded in the fall of 2021 offers you training and guided meditation to help you identify and change the stories you tell yourself or the behaviors that persist although don’t serve you. A workbook is included.
Screw Fitting In
Wondering how to create a fulfilling life when you feel so different? In this video, I talk about how not fitting in has allowed my life and gifts to blossom. It was created for Patricia Selmo's Screw Fitting In pop-up community in 2023.
Wheel of Fulfillment: Where am I Out of Alignment?
When we're out of alignment, a simple tool can help us identify where to focus our attention. The Wheel of Fulfillment is that tool. Download it today to explore what aspects of your life feel satisfying and which need some attention.
Cultivating Relationships with Your Higher Self, Guides and Angels
From the vault! While I still RESONATE with these teachings, I don't actually TEACH them anymore. So if you are curious about these topics, this audio of a 6-week series I offered in 2014 is your ONLY chance to get these teachings from me.
5 Steps to Engage Your Intuition and Transform Your Life
Feeling stuck? You’re not sure what or how, but something has to change. You want to change by looking inward - following that still small voice, intuition, or your gut feeling. But can you trust the information you receive? How do you KNOW it's your intuition? Move from confusion to clarity with my free guide 5 Steps to Engage your Intuition and Transform your Life.
Coaching vs Therapy: Which do I choose?
When we need help navigating the challenges of life, we have so many options! I'm a fan of the team approach - have someone on your team that can support you physically (massage, acupuncture, naturopath, etc.), emotionally (therapist, coach), intellectually (teacher, mentor, coach, etc.) and spiritually (spiritual director, energy healer, spiritual coach). This guide helps you discern the difference between therapy and coaching so you can choose which would best serve you.