Walk-in Readings at The Ninth House
We know that timely, Soul-based decision-making allows us to change the entire trajectory of our life.
Join me at The Ninth House twice a month for 25-minute walk-in appointments. Scroll down to see upcoming dates and register in advance. Or call the shop on the day of my readings to reserve your spot. And of course, you can simply stop by to see if I'm free! All sessions at The Ninth House are $50.
Choose from these appointment types:
Animal Communication, Mediumship, and Healing* (25-minutes):
Includes a reading, Energy Body Alignment®, and recommendations for flower essences, diet or exercise changes. This is for you if:
You’re curious about a pet’s behavior or past lives,
You’re concerned about their physical or emotional well-being,
You are wondering when to let go, or
You want to connect with a pet that passed.
* Animal does not need to be physically present for the reading. Working with me is not a substitute for allopathic, holistic, or integrative veterinary care. I work energetically with your pet which is complementary to these forms of care.
Psychic Channeling and Mediumship (25 minutes):
Often a deeply healing experience, a psychic channeling and mediumship session are for you if:
You want help navigating an unexpected event, pivot, or opportunity in your life or business.
You’re feeling stuck or unsure of your next more and need some help finding the alignment you need to move forward.
You are seeking guidance from your Soul, Higher Self, Guides, and Angels for all life's decisions (career, relationship, business, spirituality, health, etc.).
You have unresolved issues with and/or questions for friends or loved ones who have passed. It is also an opportunity to ask for and receive guidance from Ancestors.
Whether you feel curious about a situation, stuck, confused, and/or overwhelmed, we'll find clarity and help you align with your highest good.
What makes these sessions powerful, you wonder? My unique blend of Intuitive Coaching, Energy Body Alignment, and Psychic Channeling & Mediumship allow you to get granular - see the big picture and the underlying issues. From this higher frequency space, you can make slow, steady progress or a fast, focused pivot.
See Upcoming Dates and Register
The Ninth House is located at 2563 E Fort Lowell Rd, Tucson, AZ 85716.
Phone during business hours: 520-325-9611

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