Custom VIP Retreat
Immerse yourself in the Sonoran desert
for healing and rebirth.
If it’s time to embark on a Soul-Inspired retreat, you know.
You can’t shake the idea. You see a place and you just know you need to go there. You long for time away, just for you, in the presence of a healing companion.
When two or more gather with clear intentions, an auric, alchemical field emerges.
We feel it when we are in the presence of a master - a shaman, curandera, yogi, guru, and, well, me. Whatever we call it - a torodial field, the electromagnetic field of the heart (HeartMath Institute), unconditional love, energy healing, Reiki, or something else all together, the effect of being in the field is profound.
Judgment, fear, anxiety dissolve (temporarily). You feel connected to something larger, but also more yourself. You’re simultaneously experiencing a really good high and are solidly grounded.
You can hear your Soul and feel the energy of the Universe supporting the next indicated step of your evolution.
In the Shamanic tradition, consciously working in and with this field is required to shift our assemblage point - a sacred space behind the heart, between the shoulder blades - where our physical and energy bodies come together. A place where our beliefs are woven together into a tapestry that informs our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. We create our reality from this place. We unravel and change our reality from this place as well.
When we take a Sacred Pause in the presence of someone who has the capacity to raise the frequency of our assemblage point, we see and experience the world differently.
Stepping out of our day-to-day life, we gather this Soul-level perspective which fuels your choices and guides our action. From here, we are able to unravel the beliefs that no longer serve (called recapitulation in shamanic traditions) and reweave a system of beliefs that serves us and humanity as a whole.
When we go to the desert - a powerful place for transformation - we hear clearly and surrender more easily to what’s emerging because we can address all the levels of our being simultaneously (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual). We drop in to our Divine feminine and collaborate with our Divine masculine.

Are you ready to come into alignment with your Soul?
To ground into the next iteration of your life?
To navigate your life from THIS embodied place?
Why a VIP Retreat?
You’re burned out from a career you used to love and wonder “What now”?
You’re a recent empty-nester, divorcée, or retiree ready to imagine what’s next.
The proverbial sh*t has hit the fan and you need to initiate a total life makeover.
You’re a busy executive, entrepreneur, or business owner needing to pivot quickly.
There’s a change you need to make in your life or relationship that you need help navigating.
You’ve recently left a job or career and you’re ready to detox, debrief, and feel your way forward.
Your psychic gifts are coming in or you had an awakening experience and you need help integrating.
Whether you’re initiating a total life makeover, integrating a deep inner shift, or embarking on a soul-inspired nourishing retreat, one thing is true.
You want it to be all about you.
This is your opportunity, your season, to gain clarity, nourish yourself, sense the big picture, and have some fun. The main event is reconnecting to your Soul, joy, personal power, and peace so you can navigate from an embodied place. But there is fun to be had at a luxurious spa in the Sonoran desert!
Join me in Tucson, AZ
Your journey begins with a pre-retreat Clarity & Alignment VIP session. We get clear on your intentions and begin the customization process. At this point that the energy begins to build, your Soul begins it’s work in the background. You discover which luxury resort will host this healing deep-dive and the synchronicities begin.
As you fly in, you catch your first glimpse of the Sonoran Desert and the towering, enduring, gentle giant - the Saguaro cactus. The Saguaro offers us a model of how to thrive in harsh environments. Its medicine a necessary part of this healing environment, of your healing.
After you settle in to your accommodations, we meet for dinner, a beautiful sunset, and our opening ritual in my suite. A healing sleep and nourishing breakfast awaits before we meet for our first 3-hour session.
After getting to the root of the issue and clearing it away, the afternoon is your time. Nourish yourself and integrate the morning’s shifts with lunch, a nap, a stroll in the desert, or spa services. We gather again in the late afternoon to for round two - moving forward. Then a nourishing dinner, a plan for after-care, and a closing ritual.
You awake the next morning re-aligned with your Soul. After breakfast you choose - head to the airport or pause a little longer to use your spa credit and explore the Tucson area. Whenever you go, you head home confident of your next steps. You feel how deeply you are supported, even in the tougher moments.
During our post-retreat Clarity & Alignment VIP Session, we shore up anything that has gone wonky in the transition home and celebrate your forward movement. Maybe it’s time for monthly support or maybe you’re ready to fly on your own!
Your Customized VIP Retreat Includes*:
Pre-retreat Clarity & Alignment VIP Session
2 night’s lodging at a luxury resort or home in Tucson, AZ**
Healthy meals and snacks (dinner day 1 through breakfast day 3)
Spa services credit***
Post-retreat Clarity & Alignment VIP Session
Post-retreat Voxer support for one month
All sessions with Emilah customized to your needs (intuitive coaching, psychic channeling, Energy Body Alignment, Shaman-inspired healing, activations, visioning, etc.).
Choose a monthly investment level based on
Equity Pricing - The Sliding Scale
$5,000 or $7,500 or $10,000
Payment plans available. `
*Resort choice based on availability.
**You are responsible for transportation/airfare to and from Tucson, AZ. The selected resort will provide airport transfers if you fly into Tucson International Airport. Transportation to/from Phoenix Sky Harbor is not included.
*** Alcohol and CBD spa services are not included.

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