Stepping Into Your Psychic, Intuitive, and Energy Healing Gifts

A woman facing away from the camera, thinking. She is covered by rainbow prismatic light.

We all have the capacity for extrasensory perception.

Most of us only explore and cultivate our innate, body-centered intuition, but many also know that they have the capacity for more (psychic channeling, energy healing, mediumship, etc.) We’ve had inklings of our extrasensory capacities all along, usually they are strongest in childhood, before going to school. But I’ve noticed they re-appear, especially for women, at midlife and demand cultivation as we approach and move through menopause.

In this way, we, humans with extrasensory gifts, are not special.

  • psychic channels bring in messages from our Soul, guides, angels, and beyond. 

  • psychic mediums communicate with people who have died.

  • animal communicators talk with our pets, discern their anxieties and illnesses or explore past lives.

  • body workers and acupuncturists witness energy moving through their hands, healing in ways they can’t explain but can trust.

  • astrologers feel a rush of information flow through them when they open a chart. 

  • herbalists and curanderas commune with and understand the healing power of plants.

  • massage therapists simply know something about the body they are working on and how the human living in it.

  • people sense the healing energy of crystals, animals, flowers, plants, and birds.

  • people have experiences of being an animal or bird - seeing/experiencing the world from inside the animal’s body rather than their human body. 

The list goes on and on.

I’ve mentored people who do all of these things and more. I’ve come to understand that these kinds of gifts do not make us, humans in general, special. Yet each person’s gifts are unique to them and that is special.

More importantly, we each have the choice to develop them (or not). I had the choice to lean into my gifts when they started to open during meditation and yoga 25 years ago, and again when the car accident cracked them open. I leaned in, but there have been times when I’ve leaned out or tried to slow down the awakening experiences. I just wanted to be “normal”.

Coming to understand that you have access to these abilities can be confusing and overwhelming. After all, there is no universal cheat sheet telling us what is going on in our being or about how to open ourselves up to energies, guides, or shifts in frequency! Choosing to embrace your gifts and build your capacity can increase the sense of overwhelm, difference, and of not being “normal”. 

But what if having these experiences, capacities, and perceptions ARE normal?

In times past, when psychic capacities started to appear, we apprenticed with the shaman, curandera/o, witch, psychic, etc. in our community. They helped us understand the sacredness of our gifts and to use them with integrity. It was a calling and we knew it was ours to do, even if we avoided it.

These days, we can feel isolated, wondering what the heck is happening to us, where to find others who won’t think we’re crazy, and where to find mentors, teachers, and online courses we can trust. So, it’s no surprise that many of us relish sharing our experiences with similarly aligned folx! 

I recently had the opportunity to work with a client who is in the nascent stages of embracing her gifts. She was seeking a frame of reference, and wanted to understand more about what I experience, how I process what I see, hear, feel, and experience and how I work with the sensations, energy, and information that comes through me. 

It’s not every day that I get asked this, so it was interesting to articulate and share these processes I hardly ever put into words. It occurred to me that these descriptions might be as helpful for others as they were for her. So below you will find an edited and enhanced transcript of that conversation. 

It’s important to note that these are my personal experiences. Not every person has the capacities I do; each of us is unique. That being said, there are often similarities, and it’s my hope that sharing my own process may help you understand yours – even by showing you what you’re not experiencing!

A woman laying in nature on a blanket. She rests her hands over her heart and solar plexus chakras.

My process of psychic channeling most often starts with getting quiet.

If you are on video with me or in person, you’ll see me close my eyes or look up to the left; I’m softening my gaze and widening my perception. During this quiet, focused time information comes in on a frequency - I feel it in my body and neural pathways. I listen with my full senses until the download starts being translated into words. Hearing the first few words of the translation or seeing a picture or video playing in my mind is the cue that the download is complete – or that I’m full up and need to start letting it out! 

As I start to speak, a torrent of words is unleashed and I just allow them to come out of my mouth. I feel an opening in my crown chakra, and the stronger the frequency, the wider the crown and heart chakra gets.

I, Emilah, am separate from the words coming out. Sometimes I realize what I am going to say just before it comes out of my mouth, and I pause because I noticed something that feels wobbly, harsh, or unclear. I check to be sure the translation is accurate, if there is a way for me to say what needs to be said so it can be well received, or to view and interpret the picture I see to determine how to translate its meaning into words.

Once it’s all out, I pause and check in with the client to see what resonated, what doesn’t, and where else they want to take the conversation. Sometimes I’ll circle back and go deeper into a topic that I only scratched the surface of or translated in a way that doesn’t resonate. Rinse and repeat until the session is complete.

When healing energy flows through me, my hands start pulsing and get hot.

That’s the signal that there’s work to be done. Sometimes this happens when I am channeling; sometimes we know in advance we are working with energy only. I ask permission, then imagine whoever I’m working with between my hands. 

Once the energy reaches a certain frequency, my hands drop and the flow comes through my heart chakra, into the person I’m working with. At that point, there’s a way in which I, Emilah, am dismissed. I have opened the channel, and I have, through the process of centering somebody between my hands, directed the energy to it’s intended recipient. At this point, the person’s guides, higher Self or Soul take over. When this happens, my mind isn’t aware of what they’re working on except through the changes in frequency I experience in my neural pathways. 

I can tell when they “change the channel” – the level of frequency, which guide is working, what part of the body or emotional pattern is being worked on. My eyes roll up or close, my head or neck will twitch, or I feel a surge in my neural pathways. When these things happen, I pause to attend to shifts and see if I, Emilah, am needed in some way - to check-in with the person, ask a question, or wrap up the session.

I always check in with people about their experience afterwards because I don’t know exactly what happened while the channel was open. Why? Because this is an intimate, private experience between the person and their guides, Higher Self, and Soul. I know that I am connected and the frequencies are safe because of how it feels in my body and neural networks. I can trust healing to flow from there.

If the client asks what happened, I receive the information they need and pass it along. If they share with me their experience, I will listen and if asked, help them make sense of it. But I, Emilah, don’t need to know the details. I am simply a conduit, trained to carry rarified frequencies for healing. I don’t need to remember what I channel or what the frequencies are healing because if I work with the client again and need to know, I am given the information as needed.

A woman at peace, looking across desert mountains.

Your capabilities may be completely different from mine, and that’s a beautiful thing!

For example, while I experience clairsentience and claircognizance (psychic awareness regarding frequencies and emotions; clear knowing) and occasional clairvoyance (pictures or videos), others may be clairaudient, allowing them to hear specific words or phrases. 

There are a multitude of ways extrasensory perception manifests because it manifests differently for each human. It is rare to find two people that receive information/guidance on the same topic in a similar way as you. The same is true with our energy healing capacities - the physical and psychological issues that are healed by the frequencies that move through me are likely different than yours.

Your intuition will guide you towards using your capacities as you’re meant to; simply be mindful it is not your ego giving directions! Your intuition will also nudge you towards a mentor, teacher, or guide; maybe several over a lifetime. Learn to easily discern between intuition and ego (or other voices in your head) so you can trust those nudges, frequencies, guides, and yourself!

I worked with a masterful herbalist, psychic, and healer for many years as I developed, practiced, and came to trust the way guidance and healing energy flows through me. I was also influenced by books. Here are a few that were helpful to me in developing and understanding my own gifts.

  • Living with Joy, Personal Power through Awareness, and other books by Sanaya Roman

  • Opening to Channel by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer

  • Awakening Intuition by Mona Lisa Schultz

  • Energy Medicine by Jill Blakeway - this recent publication offered a mirror into how others work and in doing so, illuminated my own processes.

If you’re seeking support as you step into alignment with your psychic gifts or life path, I’m here. If you feel the nudge to connect, please get in touch.


Yoga, Awakening, and the Energy Body


Self-Responsibility, Empowerment & Psychic Gifts