My Writer Loves…

As I write my memoir, I’m doing a quite a lot of timed free-writing using prompts. This process is a bit like journaling, although it’s more focused on the writer’s life and the pieces of my story that I’m working on at the moment.

I’m experimenting with editing some of these pieces for the blog. Sometimes the topic is directly related to living a life following intuition. Sometimes not. This week’s piece is one of the “not”, except for the aspects related to astrology – March is a busy, busy time in that arena!

I hope you’ll stay with me as I mine my experiences for the memoir. As I mentioned in a reading this week, “it won’t be forever, just for a time” as I allow my creativity to be focused on writing the book and staying connected to you all. 


My writer loves to get up early in the morning and let the words that are pushing out against my brain to just fall out onto a page. The story comes from the ethers, into my mind, and then into a Google Doc. I call this my channel, the process by which I receive information and stories. These are morning pages at their best.

My writer loves to edit, to noodle with pieces until they feel just right. That tends to happen later in the day – late afternoon or early evening. But sometimes, immediately after I write in the  morning, I edit it and get it ready for the world. It’s lovely to simply hit – PUBLISH – or send the document off to my VA to post – and know it will arrive at just the right moment to my email list and social media friends.

The astrology is great right now for getting creative, letting go of things not so useful anymore, and changing it up. That energy will continue through March when 3 planets change signs – Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto. You can read more about these shifts in Chani Nicholas’ blog on The 6 Major Astrology Shifts in 2023.

I am enjoying the upleveling that is happening throughout my life as the first whiffs of these changes drift by.

My writer loves all of these because they allow her more time and space for writing and editing!

My memoir is unfolding, reminding me of the times when I was driven to know God by meditating and practicing yoga daily, studying the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita, and planning a month-long trip to Ananda Ashram.

I can’t wait to share these stories with you! Look for bits and pieces in my social posts and the entire book later this year.

Thanks for reading!

Mary Alvizures

Designing soul aligned brands and websites that make you $$$. Intuitive branding + web design for Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Intuitives, Life Coaches, Energy Healers, Holistic, Conscious and Wellness Businesses. Are you ready to share your magic with the world?

Things Are Shifting…


Settling In