Embracing Intuition at Midlife

Here I am, at midlife. My life doesn’t look or feel anything like I imagined it would. Instead of a life focused on my ego/personality’s desires (career, travel, money, etc.), I am living a deeply personal journey of the soul.

For example, rather than being a high-level college administrator earning a healthy salary with benefits (which I expected to by now), I serve as an intuitive life coach, administrative assistant, and bookkeeper; my financial needs met with some help from my husband. I travel the inner realms much more often than the world. I have some health challenges (like most people my age), yet exude an inner vibrancy that shines thorough my being. None of these circumstances would I have predicted in my youth.

Integrating the experiences that brought me to this moment and coming to accept where I am is my current inner midlife journey. I imagine myself pausing to take stock, accept, and feel.  My outer midlife journey is more about being in the world, holding a job outside of my private practice, given these inner experiences.

Not surprisingly, the clients drawn to work with me at this time are moving through their own transitions, some at midlife, some younger; all at clear turning points in their lives. They are learning to navigate their transitions using that inner guidance available to all of us. It’s truly a delight to share this journey with them.

For those of you in transition, but not working with me directly, I hope you’ll find comfort and support in this article I wrote for E.P.I.C. magazine Embracing Intuition at Midlife: The Key to Living your Dharma. It’s all about using intuition as a guide through transitions so that your soul may truly shine forth.

Many blessings on your journey.

Thanks for reading!

Mary Alvizures

Designing soul aligned brands and websites that make you $$$. Intuitive branding + web design for Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Intuitives, Life Coaches, Energy Healers, Holistic, Conscious and Wellness Businesses. Are you ready to share your magic with the world?


Living your Dharma – Part 1


I Wish I Didn’t Know…