Spiritual Life Coach

While I have training from a variety of programs, my experience as a spiritual seeker—combined with a car accident that triggered a spiritual awakening—also informs the way I coach, as well as the people who are drawn to work with me.

The Life Purpose Institute (an organization which I am not affiliated with) suggests that a “Spiritual Life Coach explores the deeper connections between people and the Universe. They help others gain a new or deeper understanding of the world they live in and the energies that flow within it.

Through their work, a spiritual coach will use various healing tools to support their clients’ journeys. They act as a guide to unleashing self-trust and compassion in another person.”

What is a Spiritual Life Coach?

This description resonates with me. As does the Life Coach Spotter’s description (edited for brevity, also not affiliated):

A spiritual life coach helps you change your life by changing the way you operate on a deeper level. Rather than just examining your behaviors, habits, and goals, they delve into your deep-rooted beliefs, your connection to the divine, and find yourself again. They show you how to work with the laws of the universe to get what you want out of life instead of just accepting whatever comes your way.

Spiritual life coaches are people who live by spiritual principles and not the just everyday logic and societal conventions. They know how to make miracles happen, and they help others live happy, fulfilling lives based on the practices that have worked for them.

Many people might confuse spiritual coaches with religious leaders, but these are two very different things. You don’t have to be religious to work with a spiritual life coach—you just have to be open to deepening your connection with the nonphysical part of yourself (your soul, higher self, guides, angels, etc.).

Understanding yourself and your world around you from a spiritual perspective can help you lead a more meaningful life. You may discover that you have a profound purpose and that all the events in your life have been orchestrated to bring you to your true path.

Working with a spiritual life coach can reveal your life purpose to you and help you clear out any energetic blocks to living the life that you were always meant to live. A spiritual life coach can help you find who you really are and heal your old wounds so that you can move into a better, brighter future.

Spiritual Life Coaching

While I choose to use the title Intuitive Life Coach, I also resonate with being a Spiritual Life Coach.

I’ve spent over two decades studying and living the principles of Eastern spirituality – Vedanta, Yoga, Ayurveda and Meditation in particular. I also spent more than a decade as an active member of a Unity church in Albuquerque, NM.

And then I lived the experience of a spiritual awakening that happened as the result of a head injury I sustained in a car accident. This experience literally changed the way my brain functions – offering me an expansive experience of being one with all the Universe.

I often help clients explore and integrate their spirituality and spiritual gifts into their daily lives. This requires respecting and honoring each person’s unique religious and or spiritual path.

Some ways in which I have supported people’s spiritual journey include:

  • Helping connect to Spirit within (intuition, higher self, soul, inner voice, etc.)

  • Supporting you as you learn to trust the guidance you receive from these parts of yourself.

  • Normalizing your spiritual gifts, whatever they look like or how you experience them.

  • Understanding karmic patterns and allowing them to release and heal.

  • Teaching you how to work with crystals, pendulums, tarot cards, etc.

  • Offering flower essence remedies (Bach, FES, Green Hope Farms, etc.) and homeopathic remedies.

  • Energy Body Alignment sessions to help untangle knotted or stuck places in the energy body which correspond to beliefs and behaviors that need to be healed and released.

  • Teaching meditation, breathwork, and other practices that help to calm the nervous system.

  • Recommending books, podcasts, and other teachers and guides.
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