My Coaching Palette

A coach's palette includes all the professional skills, tools, and trainings they've cultivated as well as their personality and unique life experiences.

My coaching palette is quite diverse and is employed in all sorts of configurations based on the client's personality, skill set, and requests.

For instance, some clients come with a strong background in Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication/NVC) and others are new to NVC.

Some clients never choose an Energy Body Alignment session, while others want them integrated into every other coaching session.

Some clients want to integrate their intuition into their professional life to become a better leader. Others want to lead their personal lives more assertively.

My palette. Your choice.


My Coaching Palette

Coaching for Transformation (CFT)

By asking empowering questions, I’ll encourage you to go deep, explore, and resurface with a new sense of Self. Action steps to anchor in your new awareness become clear and you become willing to do them. It's all about identifying and aligning with your soul's purpose in each moment, day, month, year.

Presence Based Coaching (PBC)

Using somatic exercises and mindfulness practices, I’ll help you locate yourself in and explore the present moment – the only place change can occur. Leading your life from a place of presence - in conversation with to your intuition and body - is powerful.

The Sparketype®

We all have a unique “imprint” for work that makes us come alive. Work that lets us wake up in the morning and know, deep down, we’re doing what we’re here to do. Work that sets us ablaze with purpose and, fully expressed in a healthy way, becomes a mainline to meaning, a pathway to that transcendent state of flow, and a gateway to connection and joy.

Put another way, work that “sparks” us.

As a Certified Sparketype® Advisor, I coach you to apply what you learn from the Sparketype® assessment to your current career or work situation. Small changes in awareness and behavior can spark your life, and ignite those around you.

Compassionate Communication

By identifying and engaging with the universal human needs (values) that give your life meaning, you’ll create touchstones to help with decision-making. This allows strategies to emerge that serve you and all life - otherwise known as being in the flow! Also known as Nonviolent Communication or NVC.

Active, Intuitive Listening

As an intuitive, I listen deeply to what you say, how your energy moves, and how my body responds to what your exploring. What I hear guides me in how to be with you, ask questions, and move through a session. This is me moving through the world listening to and following guidance.

Energy Body Alignment

We coach the body to align itself with what is life-serving using a hands-on energy healing a process of releasing and rewiring the body’s sacred geometries and neuropathways.

Intuitive Readings

Intuitive Readings are offered in Intuitive Life Coaching sessions only with client consent. I believe boundaries are important. If you want to know what guidance I receive about an issue you are working with, please ask. On occasion, I will ask a client if they want to know what information I am getting, Otherwise, I'll move through the session using Active, Intuitive Listening as described previously.

Practice and Homework

We'll explore practices to help you hear, see, feel, and experience intuitive guidance, interpret the information or nudges you receive, and cultivate courage to act on what you know. By practicing in sessions, you gain the confidence to do your it on your own!

Ready to take your next step?


Spiritual Life Coach


Nonviolent Communication (aka Compassionate Communication)